Saturday, June 30, 2018

Just Missed My Top 200: Men Without Hats - Antarctica

Ivan Doroschuk and the rest of Men Without Hats grabbed the #157 ("I Like") and #52 ("The Safety Dance") spots on my Top 200. Another great song by the Montreal new wavers is "Antarctica", off their 1980 EP Folk Of The 80s. A simplistic yet bouncy synth line propels this track, which caught the attention of the Canadian public and music press (though it failed to chart) and led to their debut album, Rhythm Of Youth. That album went multi-platinum in 1982.

More hits followed, including the two songs mentioned above, and:

"Pop Goes The World", from the album of the same name (released in 1987).

"Moonbeam", from the same album:

Feminist-man anthem "Hey Men" (1989):

And of course the song Nirvana ripped off for "Smells Like Teen Spirit", "Sideways" (1991):

Oh and what about Ivan's solo career?! When I saw him perform in Montreal on a frigid December night in 1997, he opened with his then-current single, "SuperBadGirls":

Be back next week with another great (non-Ivan) song that almost made it onto my list.


  1. Antarctica! Awesome choice MD! One of my faves.

    Never noticed that about "Sideways" but you are very right. Makes sense as total number of good songs Nirvana made = ZERO.

    1. The whole Grunge era sucked.

    2. I disagree... only in that SUCKED is not a strong enough word !! The whole grunge era, and everything in it, blew dinosaur schlong!
