Saturday, April 7, 2018

Just Missed My Top 200: Platinum Blonde - Contact

Platinum Blonde scored places on my Top 200 with "Situation Critical" (#196), "Not In Love" (#173), "Standing In The Dark" (#118), and "Doesn't Really Matter (#39). These four songs are all from the Blondes' first two albums, 1983's Standing In The Dark and 1985's Alien Shores.

By 1987's Contact LP, the country's musical landscape had changed. New wave was on the outs, and slick Canadian rock acts like Glass Tiger, Haywire, and Frozen Ghost were ascendant (see below). In response, Platinum Blonde changed their sound and look. The first fruit of this effort was lead-off single "Contact", which hit #13 on the Canadian charts, their biggest hit since "Situation Critical" in 1985.

Over the long haul, however, the new style didn't catch on, and "Contact" would prove to be the band's last top 40 hit. I've always loved the song despite it's warts, however, and I did consider including it on my list. 

Full disclosure: I have lost my voice belting out this song at several Platinum Blonde concerts.

Bonus: Haywire, Glass Tiger, Frozen Ghost - a calvacade of Canadian 80s rock!

Be back next time with another song that almost made my Top 200.


  1. Everybody knows you never go Full Bon Jovi. Check it out. "Situation Critical", look like Bon Jovi, act like Bon Jovi, but not Bon Jovi. Surrounded by girls, stage set just like "Livin on a Prayer". Posers, sho'. But not Bon Jovi. You know "Doesn't Really Matter". Guitars, yes. Synths, maybe. Modern rock, sho'. But it had a post punk sound and an edge to it. That ain't Bon Jovi. They were on the goddamn Alternative charts. You think Bon Jovi ever made the Alternative charts? They went Full Bon Jovi, man. Never go Full Bon Jovi. You don't buy that? Ask Trixter, 1990. Remember? Went Full Bon Jovi, were off the charts and could only get gigs on in Japan by 1992. Never go Full Bon Jovi.

  2. Gotta give full credit to “Tropic Thunder” for that one MD ... totally cribbed it from the hilarious Robert Downey Jr !

    1. People keep telling me I need to see that movie. I once had a friend who liked it so much I used to *pretend* I'd seen it! lol

    2. If you like "Blazing Saddles" you will like Tropic

      Speaking of Robert Downey Jr, everyone in the Bad Bad Boy video looks like he did in Rodney Dangerfield's 1986 movie "Back to School". ABSOLUTELY EVERYBODY

    3. That Bad Bad Boy video is a 100% accurate depiction of pretty much anywhere in Canada in the mid-80s.
