Wednesday, September 12, 2018

WAS's Awesome New Wave Song Of The Week #46: Devo - C'Mon

Those Akron Mutants known as DEVO bioengineered themselves into position #63 on Marc’s Top 200... a respectable showing for a nerd herd of Midwestern freaks for sure!   DEVO has an entire career full of original awesome tunes… too many to count.  My current favorite and this week’s Awesome Song comes from one of their less respected albums - “Shout” from 1984.   The simple, tuneful and synthy song “C’mon” is a perfect poppy masterpiece from a group whose work was always interesting but not always as accessible.  But that was kind of the point!  

As a bonus, let’s have a look at one of their wackier and more complex songs, a great version of which was done live no less!   What talent … in a devolutionary sort of way, of course.  Enjoy Smart Patrol / Mr. DNA!


  1. "Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA" is so awesome it physically hurts. These guys are geniuses.

    btw...I was surprised to learn (while reading a book about Nickelodeon) that Mark Mothersbaugh did all the music for the "Rugrats" cartoon. Truly a man of many talents.

    1. Agreed, fellow Spudboy! I for one welcome DEVO as our new devolutionary Overlords !
