Sunday, September 17, 2017

Number 42: Bone Symphony - Dome Of Spheres

"Dome Of Spheres" is the second and final entry by Bone Symphony on my Top 200. Great vocals, great lyrics, cosmic-sounding synths, there's really not much to say about this song except it's right up my alley. If this band had continued to make music together, who knows what amazing stuff they would have come up with? As it is, "Dome Of Spheres" (from the 1983 EP Bone Symphony) gets my #42 spot.


  1. Take one part Pink Floyd cosmicality, add two parts Minor Detail "Canvas of Life", mix in a splash of Flying Lizards drum machine, shake well and pour into a sphere shaped dome ... Viola!

    1. thanks MD ... was out motorcycle camping for a few days ... I'm making up for lost time now !
