Wednesday, October 24, 2018

WAS's Awesome New Wave Song Of The Week #52: The Sisters Of Mercy - This Corrosion

Halloween… 'tis a dark holiday…. and what better way to celebrate it than with some over-the-top epic dark wave gothic excess?!

Oh, those silly goths, you’re thinking…they were only epic in their own minds.  Well, yes, sure, but this week’s Awesome Song is not just worthy of being a Halloween pick… it truly is EPIC.  It comes complete with 11 minutes of intertwining guitars, blaring & bleating keyboards, crashing drum machines, overdubs on top of overdubs, backing vocals by the 40 member New York Choral Society, an overblown apocalyptic video, leather, spikes, mullets, teased black hair, chokers & bustiers, aviator sunglasses in the dark and …. wait for it …… Jim Effing Steinman !!!   

The Sisters of Mercy jacked goth up to the next level and beyond when they released this week’s Awesome Song - “This Corrosion” !  From their Floodland album in 1987, it had all of the above and more … every goth stereotype and black accessory can be seen in this Blade Runner-meets-"Dancing With Myself" video boondoggle, and the excessive Wagnerian operatic theatrics of Jim (Effing) Steinman can be felt throughout the song as backing vocals hit one ridiculous crescendo after another.  

The video is a shortened version of the original 11 minute ride, but lordy you would be missing out on some primo vampiric vamping if I did not include it here!


Halloween Bonus time!   

All this talk of Halloween, vamping vampires & Jim (Effing) Steinman can only bring us to one more place …. a dark and sordid place, granted, but one that is just about right if it is a dark and stormy October night …. that’s right, it brings us to the 1975 movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”, and the best song in the movie, “Hot Patootie” - as rendered by none other Jim (Effing) Steinman’s most freakish, bombastic and monstrous creation of all. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, please dig in to a bonus October helping of a big hot steamy pile of ….. Meat Loaf ! 


  1. The goth subgenre is always a ton of fun at this time of year. Add in Steinman and the awesomeness goes up tenfold. Love "Hot Patootie" too, although "Sword of Damocles" is my favorite RHPS tune. Isn't Halloween great?!
    P.S. I must out myself as a Meat Loaf fan. I have every one of his albums and "Bat Out of Hell 3" rarely leaves my CD changer.

  2. Meat Loaf, Goth, RHPS ... the Halloween edition of the blog has it all !
