Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Number 165: Trans-X - Living On Video

 One aspect of synthpop New Wave that I really enjoy is futurism. Not the boring futurism of today that imagines us living on organic superfoods, driving hydogen-powered vehicles, and owning robot nannies and butlers. No, I'm talking about the cool futurism of the early 1980s: Commodore-brand supercomputers, wearable aluminum foil outfits, and free keytars for everyone! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Trans-X and their 1983 song "Living On Video", song #165 on my Top 200.

Video below.



  1. Marc you have outdone yourself... that one had it all

    Trans-X wins the 'best video douchbaggery' award for the entire 20th century

    the constant video zooms onto the chief douchebag alone ... jesus wept

  2. I call this one the "Cylon song" because the synthesized voice sounds like a Cylon. Love it!
